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Tagua Nut Jewelry 💜 That’s quite fascinating 💕

Tagua, also known as “vegetable ivory “, refers to the seeds of certain palm trees found in Ecuador and other South American countries. These seeds are often used as a sustainable alternative to ivory, as they possess a similar texture and colour.

Ecuadorian artisans have been crafting beautiful jewellery pieces using tagua for centuries. In fact, tagua jewellery has become a significant part of Ecuador’s cultural heritage and is highly sought after by collectors and tourists alike.

Artisans often carve, dye, and polish the tagua seeds to create intricate designs, ranging from necklaces and bracelets to earrings and pendants. The variety of colours available makes tagua jewellery particularly captivating, as artisans can use natural dyes to achieve stunning vibrant hues.

One of the benefits of tagua jewellery is its eco-friendly aspect. By using tagua instead of real ivory, it helps protect endangered species and discourages illegal poaching.

Additionally, the tagua industry provides employment opportunities for local communities, contributing to sustainable economic growth.

So, if you ever come across Ecuadorian tagua jewellery, be sure to appreciate its unique beauty and the craftsmanship that goes into each piece. It’s not just a fashion statement; it’s a symbol of Ecuador ‘s rich cultural heritage and commitment to sustainability.

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  • Crafts of Ecuador

The Ecuadorian handicrafts is made from high quality and originality.It has the seal of UNESCO EXCELLENCE based on six pillars,innovation, ecology,authenticity, marketability, social responsibility and excellence.Ecuador crafts are one of the most admired in South America,combining indigenous creativity and heritage ancestral.
This art is a cultural manifestation of the country’s indigenous roots,its rich culture and traditions.
We represent several organic,natural and handmade products of high quality at competitive prices. The country has a wide variety of crafts like statues,decorative items,jewelry,as well the handmade hats”Montecristi” commonly called “Panama”hats,alpaca wool textiles and natural products like essential oils,infusions as well as organic products like fungi,dehydrated fruits and chocolate.