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Tagua Nut Jewelry 💜 That’s quite fascinating 💕

Tagua, also known as “vegetable ivory “, refers to the seeds of certain palm trees found in Ecuador and other South American countries. These seeds are often used as a sustainable alternative to ivory, as they possess a similar texture and colour.

Ecuadorian artisans have been crafting beautiful jewellery pieces using tagua for centuries. In fact, tagua jewellery has become a significant part of Ecuador’s cultural heritage and is highly sought after by collectors and tourists alike.

Artisans often carve, dye, and polish the tagua seeds to create intricate designs, ranging from necklaces and bracelets to earrings and pendants. The variety of colours available makes tagua jewellery particularly captivating, as artisans can use natural dyes to achieve stunning vibrant hues.

One of the benefits of tagua jewellery is its eco-friendly aspect. By using tagua instead of real ivory, it helps protect endangered species and discourages illegal poaching.

Additionally, the tagua industry provides employment opportunities for local communities, contributing to sustainable economic growth.

So, if you ever come across Ecuadorian tagua jewellery, be sure to appreciate its unique beauty and the craftsmanship that goes into each piece. It’s not just a fashion statement; it’s a symbol of Ecuador ‘s rich cultural heritage and commitment to sustainability.

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The Toquilla Straw Hat- A Handmade Jewel-Panama Hats

Panama hats are uniquely Ecuadorean,despite their curious misnomer.

The term “Panama hat” has been in use since at least the 1830s,and came about because the hats were often sold in trading posts on the Isthmus of Panama, which was a shipping crossroads long before the canal was built. During the construction period of the Panama canal , the workers had sought protection from the sun and the best help was a lightweight, breathable, durable and protective sun hat,made for the Ecuadorians workers. As there were a lot of hats these people did a rapprochement between hats and channel where the name”Panama” to describe the toquilla straw hats.

Panama hats became even more firmly fixed in the popular imagination after the Paris Exposition in 1855, when a Frenchman who had been living in Panama presented Napoleon III with a finely woven hat. His Highness loved the hat and wore it everywhere.

Then,as now, celebrities set the tone in the fashion stakes,and nobody was more A-list than the Emperor of France.

Silky fine Panama hats for spring and summer became de rigueur among the rich and famous.

King Edward VII is said to have instructed his hatter to spare no expense but get him the finest Panama available. Fabulous sums were paid by him and others for the best hats.

These days,the overwhelming majority of Panama hats are woven in Cuenca,an attractive town in the Andes whose residents,prompted by the local government, turned to hat weaving in the mid 1800s, once Panama hats became popular.

Panama hats are woven from the fibers of the toquilla palm (Carludovica palmata) grown in the damp coastal areas of Ecuador.Fiber of their stems cut and after a long process is ready to weave hats. The fineness of the hat is measured in degrees; greater fineness greater is the degree and increased commercial value. The Ecuador specializes in producing fine varieties of hats that meet high standards and demands of consumers worldwide.

The knowledge and skills needed to weave Panama hats are passed down from one generation to the next. This skill provides hat-producing communities in Ecuador with a valuable income source as well as being a great sense of pride and cultural identity.

The toquilla straw hat weaving,a true work of art,was declared Intangible Cultural Heritage 31 of the Humanity,by UNESCO,on December 5,2012.

Maria Koliou

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Knitwear Charming Accessories

Some of our most popular items are the Knitwear accessories as hats and gloves, soft alpaca shawls and ponchos. All of them are super cosy and look great!

Knitwear made from alpaca fibre can last a lifetime if it is cared from properly.

Alpaca is strong , super soft and luxurious.

Our products have the organic certification of Kiwa BCS and this seal guarantees a recognized quality and ecological seriousness of the bidding companies. (

Additional Information

â–ª Colour in pictures may slightly differ depending on the lighting, device and screen specifics. â–ªLittle fluffs can be easily removed with hands. â–ªBy buying our products, you become a part of community which cares about nature preservation and sustainability. ( ) â–ªEco and organic certified. â–ªSoft,warm and anti-allergic are our alpaca wool knits.

â–  How do I care for my Knitwear?

Alpaca Knitwear can last a lifetime; the best thing we suggest is washing in tepid water, by hand. Do not rub or soak for long periods of time as this could felt the fibre.

Once clean do not ring out the water ,this can stretch the garment. Instead leave flat to dry. Do not tumble dry or dry clean and avoid washing in a machine. If these steps are followed your item will last you for years.

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Our line of wood and silver is composed of a collection of unique pieces inspired by nature,we work design using organic and geometric shapes, forms flowing harmoniously obtaining Jewellery beautiful and are made by hand with great skill using fine woods exotic;the combination of textures and quality of the materials results in beautiful pieces with an original appeal.


  • Completely original handmade Jewellery made from sterling silver and wood of Amazon jungle
  • Therefore size,shape and colour may differ slightly
  • Eye colour will differ from that pictured
  • Please note the earrings are non-refundable
  • Keep away from water
  • Do not spray with perfume or alcohol
  • Keep out of direct sunlight when not being worn
  • Do not wear whilst sleeping

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  • Crafts of Ecuador

The Ecuadorian handicrafts is made from high quality and originality.It has the seal of UNESCO EXCELLENCE based on six pillars,innovation, ecology,authenticity, marketability, social responsibility and excellence.Ecuador crafts are one of the most admired in South America,combining indigenous creativity and heritage ancestral.
This art is a cultural manifestation of the country’s indigenous roots,its rich culture and traditions.
We represent several organic,natural and handmade products of high quality at competitive prices. The country has a wide variety of crafts like statues,decorative items,jewelry,as well the handmade hats”Montecristi” commonly called “Panama”hats,alpaca wool textiles and natural products like essential oils,infusions as well as organic products like fungi,dehydrated fruits and chocolate.